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vrijdag 12 september 2008

maistro dot com domain for sale

maistro.com is for sale !
It has pr0 and 4 backlinks. What would it cost ? Hmmm... aha ! Minimum Bid: $250.

web-maistro! lets see, who own "maistro.net" ? It is redirected to .accessinn.com/ who run an IT company since '78 and have a brandname MAIstro.

Taxonomy - Deploy It

Put the taxonomy to work indexing, categorizing, and filtering your information. Automating indexing is essential as manual is too slow and costly. Automation packages fall into two broad categories: black box and transparent (white) box.

Black box solutions imbed proprietary approaches for categorization using linguistic, lexical, AI, neural-nets, and statistical processing. Training sets of sample documents must be collected and carefully screened to teach the system about your domain. Training sets easily skew the results. If the system performs poorly, then devising different rationales for building new training sets becomes near mystical. Expensive and very difficult to use, black boxes rarely produce accurate, relevant results. They don't scale for expanding knowledge domains, though they do scale for volume. Best uses are for rudimentary clustering, categorization, and filtering of high volume information flows.


Developed in Java with built in XML functionality, MAIstro™ is an example of the keystone technology needed for a successful taxonomic strategy.

Reminds me of what some colleague of me mentioned, he worked for a company called M.A.I. MAIbe it's the same company?

Say what if I bought that domain name, do you think these M.A.I. folk would be interested then ? Hmmm, before you know I am a business man! If they dont want it there are still some greek hotels called Maistro, so then I'll just sell it to them greek, or I take the loss and make one of these social bookmarking sites out of it, they're pretty popular.

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