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dinsdag 16 september 2008

I own maistro...

Well okay, as said it is done,
I am now the proud owner of maistro.com,
apparently usa banks dont have IBAN transfers, so I thought that was gonna be a big problem but that was easier done than said, I had get one of them moneybrokers.com accounts and use an iDEAL transfer (dutch banks support it and you can transfer funds from your bank account to moneybrokers.com instantly and transfer it on anywhere in 10 seconds flat.

A friend of mine already mentioned iDEAL once but as I dont have money I hadn't gotten around to checking it out.

I don't have a full fledged account with mysql so I put some small flat file cms on it.

Now I am gonna ponder on what to with the domain. It ain't a bad domain name, maistro.com, it's short, and most people know it, and some would love a domain called 'maistro'.

www.elmaistrotransmission.com/ (spanish car crew)
www.maistro.gr/ (hotels in greece)
www.dataharmony.com/products/maistro.html (it crew)
...a texan carribean restaurant
...a northrop grumman division has a product out called maistro

plenty of maistro's out there...

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