donderdag 18 september 2008
Seeding starvation
...when L. Paul Bremer III left his position as Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) administrator to “transfer sovereignty,” he also left behind 100 deadly orders to govern Iraq. Order 81, which included “Patent, Industrial Design, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety,” prohibited Iraqis from reusing seeds of “new” plant varieties patented under the law. Think about that for a second . . .
What that order means is that seeds from those “new” varieties cannot be saved for reuse, at least not without paying a royalty to its “manufacturer,” whether it’s Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, or any of the other genetically-modifying seed giants. This could easily bankrupt farmers and contribute vastly to massive food shortages and starvation.
This law amended Iraq’s original patent law of 1970. Until it is revised or cancelled by a new Iraqi government, it is legally binding under the hawkish wing of the colonizing CPA. Historically, the Iraqi constitution prohibited private ownership of biological resources. Yet this US-stamped patent law does just that. It introduces a plan for monopoly rights over seeds, if you can believe it.
Iraqi farmers can’t save seeds to replant any of the varieties registered under the PVP provisions in the new pick-your-pocket (PYP) patent law. Thus, it deprives them of what they and farmers around the world justly claim as their life-given right -- to save and replant seeds.
Also, once these plants get into the agro-growth cycle, there is no recall from any possible genetic pollution. So even if you never used the seeds, and the wind simply blew them onto your land, you (1) owe the breeder a royalty and (2) if anything’s wrong with the GM seed, it’s your problem or the world’s problem.
Mass death of Sheep from grazing GE cotton field
At least 1 820 sheep were reported dead after grazing on post-harvest Bt cotton crops; the symptoms and post-mortem findings strongly suggest they died from severe toxicity.
This was uncovered in a preliminary investigation conducted by civil society organisations in just four villages in India. The actual problem is likely to be much greater.
This is the second instance of GE-plants killing animals feeding upon it. In both this case, and that of cows killed as described above, the plants were genetically manipulated with a gene producing the insect toxin of Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt).
The serious thing about this is that the same toxin-producing gene is found in some GE-foods intended for human consumption, including GE-maize (for example Syngenta Bt11 Maize) and GE-potatoes (recently offered to Russia).
India: the Monsanto scam:
Most farmers complained that spurious seeds were mixed with MECH-12 and
184.It is speculated that the spurious seeds are the old MECH-162 seeds
which had performed particularly badly and was rejected by farmers.
Local agricultural scientists confirm that Mahyco-Monsanto is mixing their old
seeds with new lots. Because of their very poor performance, these varieties
are not in demand resulting in large amounts of left over seeds. These
apparently are being mixed with other varieties and sold to the farmers of the
Farmers observed that the roots of MECH-12, 184 began to dry after 75 days
and the plants died even before one proper picking could be taken.
The Gene Campaign research team observed that there are agents operating
in villages, who encourage farmers to cultivate Bt. cotton. These agents are
local people who are offered cash incentives by seed agents to promote the
Monsanto cotton but usually do not grow it themselves. For instance, Mr.
Hanuman Reddy in Gundrapally village of Nekkonda block, Warangal,
motivated the farmers of his village to grow MECH-12 though he himself
refrained from doping so.
These agents spread rumors that the Monsanto seeds are in great demand
and will not be available unless they are booked ahead for the next year. The
local scientists say this is to boost the flagging sales of the Monsanto varieties.
Cotton breeders of the region complain that their conventional varieties are not
being promoted despite being economical and good performers; they complain
that the State Agricultural Department machinery is pushing Bt cotton.
Local scientists and farmers confirm the observation that the State Agriculture
department scientists who are collecting data on Bt cotton performance, are
fudging data to show better performance. For example, 4 is made into 14
quintals yield and figures are similarly concocted to show reduced pesticide
op 00:45
Labels: manipulation
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