maandag 29 september 2008
the seo supremacy
my cut and paste content blog on loopbaanadvies over at went to PR4 yesterday from zilch.
It has 30 pages and 20 backlinks :)
I am gonna do that again with a blog on php xml rpc.
I actually want a remote control blog-farm to wire the sixapart blog-pipe into, and spawn enormous amounts of pages with nice content and links. 40.000 posts a day, maybe 2.000 are usable based on a last test of the pipe. That's still a half a million pages a year, more than enough to develop a brutal seo tool.
I am gonna cram all the interim results on that blog, hopefully as side effect i'll get a nice PR3 blog.
Keep you posted ;)
op 02:16 0 reacties
Labels: links
zaterdag 27 september 2008
Seo tips and tricks
I saw on 7search that last month in the SEO keyword niche the term "seo tip" is the most sought after search term. Their search volumes match google's volumes so they are for real one of the best keyword research pages on the net, and free. (That in itself is worth a 'seo tip of the month' article)
seo tip of the month
I wrote a post on my main blog called 'seo tricks', but I decided to rewrite it so now it contains the keywords 'seo tip' in stead of 'seo trick'.
As there are 16.000 searches each month on seo tip and none on seo trick, intelligence says 'rephrase the post keys' and increase the match on an existing search pattern, especially if the post isnt' about the main site keywords.
relevance to search
Google check logical pattern matches. To gain a maximum relevance to a search pattern in google offer a clear on-site and off-site path to your content :
on-site optimization
If your content is a piece on [keyword], then make sure the following items contain literally the text [keyword] :
URL domain and filename
META description
META keywords
Headlines H1, H2
Offer your content to Google that way and google can drill down in a straight line to your content on that [keyword[, then you'll score the full 100% match.
Like any normal book, if the cover mentions [keyword] I go look and see a chapther on [keyword], then in the chapter I see a headline on [keyword] with a bold text [keyword], then I can find what I want in one go.
off-site optimization
The same way you offer a 'path' inside the domain, offer it from the outside, make sure the file that has the content gets some links with the keywords in the anchor pointing to the page.
Put a support article or review in a blog and submit these pages to Google or Yahoo. The spiders come crawl, follow the link and go straight for the content. Don't forget to add the 'title' attribute to the link ;)
If for instance I write a page "seo trick" on my main blog, I'd write some support pages on secondary blogs and make sure the entire network logically points to the page I want to be the 'winning proposal' for the search engine result page. Too bad I didnt put 'tips' in the url, but hey, one learns along the way.
gaining relevance by assigning it
I sometimes wonder if offering links off the page (even if on 'nofollow') to related content makes the page more relevant to a search as estimated by Google.
If so, that would imply Google value both the path in and out of the page and you'd gain relevance by assigning it to other resources. If a user Google send to your site do not find what they are looking for, they can click to a site you judged as relevant, an expert author opinion has an enormous added value when you are looking for something.
I'm still not sure about that as ranking factor for relevance to a search pattern.
capitalizing on other's efforts
Judo and other martial arts indicate the path to victory is using your oppoents efforts. Even though they might be against you, if you learn to use them to your advantage you are always stronger. If you can gain relevance to a search pattern by a mere link to a full resource, you capitalize on others efforts, which is the superior way to achieve.
I saw a brilliant example of that on which rank front page on 'anchor title attribute value'. It only has a link on a page with that as anchor text, pointing to a webmaster forum thread about the value of a link title attribute.
As Google follow the links, the page is marked as 'relevant' and as the site page has a higher rank, it ranks way above the webmaster-forum thread in google on the result page, without even having one actual line of content on it.
If you write from multiple indexed blogs, you can 'force' Google's hand a bit and have the spiders find your content.
op 14:30 0 reacties
Labels: links
donderdag 25 september 2008
magpie rss demo
Magpie takes a naive, and inclusive approach. Absolutely non-validating, as long as the RSS feed is well formed, Magpie will cheerfully parse new, and never before seen tags in your RSS feeds.
This makes it very simple support the varied versions of RSS simply, but forces the consumer of a RSS feed to be cognizant of how it is structured.(at least if you want to do something fancy)
Magpie parses a RSS feed into a simple object, with 4 fields: channel, items, image, and textinput.
I found an online demo at scripps of the MagPie Rss parser, just fill in your url and press the "parse rss" button and it returns the entire structure and content of the feed. Then you can see what your rss feed actually looks like.
op 19:43 0 reacties
Labels: links
dinsdag 23 september 2008
PressMark delicious social bookmarking clone
Well I installed Pligg but it just don't have what you want a nice backend like wordpress so what do I come across : an article on Pressmark, a social bookmarking Wordpress fork (free, open source, easy ;) Ha !
PressMark delicious clone is a highly customized version of the popular WordPress cms system that functions as a social bookmarking site like Delicious clone scripts like GetBoo and Scuttle have been in existence for a while but neither of these systems can offer the security or expandability of a WordPress based system. PressMark is a simple social bookmarking solution and is ideal for beginners.
hub : Pressmark Social Bookmarking using Wordpress
op 23:19 0 reacties
Labels: links, tool, webmaistro check your site popularity stats
I came across this one in a serp :
A tool to check at-a-glance the link popularity of any site based on its ranking (Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, Technorati etc.), social bookmarks (, etc), subscribers (Bloglines, etc) and more!
by Juan Xavier Larrea from Ecuador.
...and he does offer widgets, these nice flashy statboxes y'all so love... (he could use some help with the alexa ranks...)
how about this blog then ? woops, depressing...
op 06:36 0 reacties
Labels: tool, webmaistro
zaterdag 20 september 2008
Qassia : cool tool
Qassia, the most amazing resource ever. Wanna join Qassia? All you need to do is click on "Sign Up".
Qassia is fantastic because you get credit for sharing your intelligence. The more credit you earn, the better your websites will rank. And you get a backlink to your website for every intel you add - only Qassia gives you unlimited quality backlinks.
Last but not least, Qassia also has the best ad revenue sharing system on the Internet, so in effect you get paid for promoting your websites. Qassia rocks!
The more people join Qassia, the more everyone will benefit, so give Qassia a spin. Signing up takes less than a minute, so you've got nothing to lose. See ya around!
So what's Qassia about ?
The concept of the site is interesting. I get brownie points for anyone that registers through my profile, and can earn some more adding content and reviewing other content added. The total brownie points decides my rank in the site.
The strong point : I can add content of other domains with a backlink to their resource through my profile so I can blog reviews through it (and possibly sell backlinks, although your content is reviewed)
why doesn't it rock ?
It's shortsighted. For a step beyond Digg it works fine, but they miss the mark. If you slightly changed the concept and added an 'exchange market' to transfer brownie points between profiles, and had it list content on multiple domains (where your brownie points decide what pagerank class domain you are listed on) you'd have one killer seo tool.
op 14:29 0 reacties
Labels: links
donderdag 18 september 2008
Seeding starvation
...when L. Paul Bremer III left his position as Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) administrator to “transfer sovereignty,” he also left behind 100 deadly orders to govern Iraq. Order 81, which included “Patent, Industrial Design, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety,” prohibited Iraqis from reusing seeds of “new” plant varieties patented under the law. Think about that for a second . . .
What that order means is that seeds from those “new” varieties cannot be saved for reuse, at least not without paying a royalty to its “manufacturer,” whether it’s Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, or any of the other genetically-modifying seed giants. This could easily bankrupt farmers and contribute vastly to massive food shortages and starvation.
This law amended Iraq’s original patent law of 1970. Until it is revised or cancelled by a new Iraqi government, it is legally binding under the hawkish wing of the colonizing CPA. Historically, the Iraqi constitution prohibited private ownership of biological resources. Yet this US-stamped patent law does just that. It introduces a plan for monopoly rights over seeds, if you can believe it.
Iraqi farmers can’t save seeds to replant any of the varieties registered under the PVP provisions in the new pick-your-pocket (PYP) patent law. Thus, it deprives them of what they and farmers around the world justly claim as their life-given right -- to save and replant seeds.
Also, once these plants get into the agro-growth cycle, there is no recall from any possible genetic pollution. So even if you never used the seeds, and the wind simply blew them onto your land, you (1) owe the breeder a royalty and (2) if anything’s wrong with the GM seed, it’s your problem or the world’s problem.
Mass death of Sheep from grazing GE cotton field
At least 1 820 sheep were reported dead after grazing on post-harvest Bt cotton crops; the symptoms and post-mortem findings strongly suggest they died from severe toxicity.
This was uncovered in a preliminary investigation conducted by civil society organisations in just four villages in India. The actual problem is likely to be much greater.
This is the second instance of GE-plants killing animals feeding upon it. In both this case, and that of cows killed as described above, the plants were genetically manipulated with a gene producing the insect toxin of Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt).
The serious thing about this is that the same toxin-producing gene is found in some GE-foods intended for human consumption, including GE-maize (for example Syngenta Bt11 Maize) and GE-potatoes (recently offered to Russia).
India: the Monsanto scam:
Most farmers complained that spurious seeds were mixed with MECH-12 and
184.It is speculated that the spurious seeds are the old MECH-162 seeds
which had performed particularly badly and was rejected by farmers.
Local agricultural scientists confirm that Mahyco-Monsanto is mixing their old
seeds with new lots. Because of their very poor performance, these varieties
are not in demand resulting in large amounts of left over seeds. These
apparently are being mixed with other varieties and sold to the farmers of the
Farmers observed that the roots of MECH-12, 184 began to dry after 75 days
and the plants died even before one proper picking could be taken.
The Gene Campaign research team observed that there are agents operating
in villages, who encourage farmers to cultivate Bt. cotton. These agents are
local people who are offered cash incentives by seed agents to promote the
Monsanto cotton but usually do not grow it themselves. For instance, Mr.
Hanuman Reddy in Gundrapally village of Nekkonda block, Warangal,
motivated the farmers of his village to grow MECH-12 though he himself
refrained from doping so.
These agents spread rumors that the Monsanto seeds are in great demand
and will not be available unless they are booked ahead for the next year. The
local scientists say this is to boost the flagging sales of the Monsanto varieties.
Cotton breeders of the region complain that their conventional varieties are not
being promoted despite being economical and good performers; they complain
that the State Agricultural Department machinery is pushing Bt cotton.
Local scientists and farmers confirm the observation that the State Agriculture
department scientists who are collecting data on Bt cotton performance, are
fudging data to show better performance. For example, 4 is made into 14
quintals yield and figures are similarly concocted to show reduced pesticide
op 00:45 0 reacties
Labels: manipulation
secret codes (how to hack a captcha)
I noticed one post on 'codes' contain the term 'secret codes' and attracts a lot of traffic... want some real secret codes ? How to hack a Captcha : blackhat programs !
Even if you don't use that sort of backlink generating tricks, it is still a worth while read. If you have a good virus-scanner and malware remover, go find the Bag of Goodies....
I personally strongly discourage you to do bad things :)
op 00:45 0 reacties
Labels: links
webmaistro number one!
no one will ever compete on the term webmaistro,
nevertheless webmaistro now has global serp domination.
It does not mean much, but and are easily linked and a few backlinks never hurt anyone (unless they are bad neigborhood backlinks).
(Remind me to add a link to my new domain,, to the auto-posting routine.)
And technorati seems to like the blog, it gives lots of backlinks.
Sometimes it is like the gimmick with the glass and the low frequency vibes, you do something that really don't seem to make any difference, but the power is in repeating the action, rythmically, all the little impulses build up to one big pulse, a vibe, strong enough to shatter the glass.
Give it some time...
op 00:45 0 reacties
Labels: maistro, webmaistro
dinsdag 16 september 2008
I own maistro...
Well okay, as said it is done,
I am now the proud owner of,
apparently usa banks dont have IBAN transfers, so I thought that was gonna be a big problem but that was easier done than said, I had get one of them accounts and use an iDEAL transfer (dutch banks support it and you can transfer funds from your bank account to instantly and transfer it on anywhere in 10 seconds flat.
A friend of mine already mentioned iDEAL once but as I dont have money I hadn't gotten around to checking it out.
I don't have a full fledged account with mysql so I put some small flat file cms on it.
Now I am gonna ponder on what to with the domain. It ain't a bad domain name,, it's short, and most people know it, and some would love a domain called 'maistro'. (spanish car crew) (hotels in greece) (it crew)
...a texan carribean restaurant
...a northrop grumman division has a product out called maistro
plenty of maistro's out there...
op 00:17 0 reacties
Labels: maistro
zondag 14 september 2008
cool stuff with page elements
Attach data from classnames to an element using $().data()
At DailyStrength, we're working on an abstract way to attach a Javascript behavior (popping a modal, sliding in a form) to objects -- journals, comments, etc. -- being displayed on the site. We wanted to attach some information to the objects by putting their type and ID in classnames.
(rebecca murphey)
Thanks, nice code-snippet.
op 12:17 0 reacties
Labels: webmaistro
zaterdag 13 september 2008
Link building
Link building plays an important part in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of any website. Links are a crucial criteria in search engine algorithms, and your website’s rankings for various keywords depend to a certain extent on the link popularity of your website.
Link exchange with websites in your area of business also helps you attract more targeted audience to your website and thus increase sales. And moreover link building campaign is cost effective compared to other forms of advertising and results can be tracked easily.
One of my favorites is the 'editorial/review', where you write a rather elaborate comment on someone's work, and try to get a trackback to one of their pages, and if they accept it and the page does rank, some if it goes your way. ompare the value of a link to the effort you spend acquiring it. The estimated value of a link from a PR3 page is $9,-/month, $100,-/year.
op 21:47 0 reacties
Labels: links
vrijdag 12 september 2008
a room with a view
This is how life looks from my chair :
That is my backyard in Limmen, the Netherlands, a nice town with rather normal folk.
op 23:23 0 reacties
Labels: webmaistro
maistro dot com domain for sale is for sale !
It has pr0 and 4 backlinks. What would it cost ? Hmmm... aha ! Minimum Bid: $250.
web-maistro! lets see, who own "" ? It is redirected to who run an IT company since '78 and have a brandname MAIstro.
Taxonomy - Deploy It
Put the taxonomy to work indexing, categorizing, and filtering your information. Automating indexing is essential as manual is too slow and costly. Automation packages fall into two broad categories: black box and transparent (white) box.
Black box solutions imbed proprietary approaches for categorization using linguistic, lexical, AI, neural-nets, and statistical processing. Training sets of sample documents must be collected and carefully screened to teach the system about your domain. Training sets easily skew the results. If the system performs poorly, then devising different rationales for building new training sets becomes near mystical. Expensive and very difficult to use, black boxes rarely produce accurate, relevant results. They don't scale for expanding knowledge domains, though they do scale for volume. Best uses are for rudimentary clustering, categorization, and filtering of high volume information flows.
Developed in Java with built in XML functionality, MAIstro™ is an example of the keystone technology needed for a successful taxonomic strategy.
Reminds me of what some colleague of me mentioned, he worked for a company called M.A.I. MAIbe it's the same company?
Say what if I bought that domain name, do you think these M.A.I. folk would be interested then ? Hmmm, before you know I am a business man! If they dont want it there are still some greek hotels called Maistro, so then I'll just sell it to them greek, or I take the loss and make one of these social bookmarking sites out of it, they're pretty popular.
op 18:23 0 reacties
Labels: maistro
dinsdag 9 september 2008
temporal logic
Galton, Antony, "Temporal Logic", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
temporal logic
3.2 Determinism vs non-determinism
The choice of flow of time can be of philosophical significance. For example, one way of capturing the distinction between deterministic and non-deterministic theories is to model the former using a strictly linear flow of time, and the latter with a temporal structure which allows branching into the future. If we adopt the latter approach, then it is helpful in describing the semantics of tense and other operators to introduce the idea of a history, which is a maximal linearly-ordered set of instants. The branching future model will then stipulate that for any two histories there is an instant such that both histories share all the times up to and including that instant, but do not share any times after it. For each history containing a given instant, the times in that history which are later than the instant constitute a “possible future” for that instant.
4.2 Applications in artificial intelligence
We have already mentioned the work of Allen (1984), which is concerned with finding a general framework adequate for all the temporal representations required by AI programs. The Event Calculus of Kowalski and Sergot (1986) is pursued more specifically within the framework of logic programming, but is otherwise similarly general in character. A useful survey of issues involving time and temporal reasoning in AI is Galton (1995), and a comprehensive recent coverage of the area is Fisher et al. (2005).
Much of the work on temporal reasoning in AI has been closely tied up with the notorious frame problem, which arises from the necessity for any automated reasoner to know, or be able to deduce, not only those properties of the world which do change as the result of any event or action, but also those properties which do not change. In everyday life, we normally handle such facts fluently without consciously adverting to them: we take for granted without thinking about it, for example, that the colour of a car does not normally change when one changes gear. The frame problem is concerned with how to formalise the logic of actions and events in such a way that indefinitely many inferences of this kind are made available without our having to encode them all explicitly. A seminal work in this area is McCarthy and Hayes (1969). A useful recent reference for the frame problem is Shanahan, 1997.
op 02:00 0 reacties
Labels: webmaistro
make money online with an Aguide2 portal website franchise
If you would like to work from the comfortable surroundings of home, be more flexible in the amount of time you spend with your family, increase you financial security and be your own boss – this could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for. You will need no technical knowledge – if you can use Word you can operate one of our sites. We also offer online support should you encounter any problems.
What are Aguide2 Travel Portals?
Each Aguide2 site is a complete stand alone package consisting of a few hundred pages (destination dependant) of information about the country or state it serves. This information is displayed in a brochure-like form to give the user a flavour of the destination and includes listings for accommodation, restaurants and shops. The format is flexible and allows for further features, such as a classified ads section or events calendar, to be added or revised at a later date.
[read more]
op 01:52 0 reacties
Labels: webmaistro
zondag 7 september 2008
...] WebmasterWorld states that 75% of all blogs on Google's blogspot are spam.
...The researchers scanned 1000 most searched queries: 'phentermine' on and the query 'ringtone' on The WebmasterWorld experts easily identified more than a half of the search results as spam.
The following list shows the spam percentage on 'top doorway domains':
- 77%
- 74%
- 84%
- 91%
- 78%
- 77%
- 95%
- 52%
- 99%
- 81%
- 85%
- 93%
- 100%
- 95%
- 100%
The list shows that some of these blogs are used exclusively, or almost exclusively, for spam. The main reason for such a torrent of splogs is the fact that these sites provide blog space for free, just to attract more traffic.
...Anyhow… it got me to thinking… we’ve put a few things in to block spammers on this site, however, since we’re pulling in RSS feeds from all around the web, how many splogs have we indexed? Ugh… what a mess. Searching for “debt reduction” came back with 1000+ results instantly and most of them were within 3 days old. 1000 by the way is the ceiling of results that Sphinx is setup to return. Searching for “credit-card-debt” came up with the same results. So I’ve decided that Blogspot and all the other domains listed in the article above are going to be put on the “no spider” list & ban list effective Monday 4/9....
from me : darn, no free backlink for me there,
but thanks for the input or should I thank webmasterworld for doing all the work there ?
The advantage of a "Free" blog like this : I dont have to think about NOFOLLOW and pagerank, I just run a 700 keyword list linking my link directory category pages to a few 'fresh' blog posts on google blogsearch through this blog, and all the links are 'follow'.
The links wont ever give you any pagerank but if they are indexed they do count as backlink and in technorati you might get an Authority-point. For starting bloggers, that puts your ass on the Technorati search pages, so maybe I made one blogger happy somewhere along the line.
I am just a very giving-caring-and-sharing dude, free backlinks for all my fellow bloggers.
op 14:02 0 reacties
Labels: webmaistro
dinsdag 2 september 2008
Creating Directories That Will Attract Traffic and Raise Your Page ...
If your goal is to earn money from Google Adsense through content or article directories, youâre better off setting your sights elsewhere. Directories are not high performers when it comes to Google Adsense ads and if you expect a good ...Creating Directories That Will Attract Traffic and Raise Your Page ... (
Top Blog Directories to Submit Your Blog to
One way for you to establish your audience is to actually have a niche that you proclaim yourself to be in, and one way for you to do this is to place your blog address in a blog directory. You also have the pick of the litter: you are ...Top Blog Directories to Submit Your Blog to (
Blog Directories Need to Improve
I find it weird that Technorati is not on top of search results in Google for the keywords âblog directoriesâ or âblog directoryâ. I know that theyâre not just a blog directory, but âblog directoryâ is still a big part of what the ...Blog Directories Need to Improve (
trismegistos links : Directories
op 17:15 0 reacties
Labels: webmaistro
What is SERP?
Re: What is SERP?
...the spot your site's page gets on the google result page is part decided on keyword matches (page url, page title, page keywords, and text titles and text itself) and part on the assigned value indicated by links to the page, either from inside the domain or outside, that doesn't matter.
the match on the search phrase decides if you are on the result list, and the sum value passed through links to the file roughly decides the rank on the result list in google...[other...][]
op 03:21 0 reacties
Labels: webmaistro
Custom Research Papers for Money
Teachers, professors and tutors demand more and more papers each day, and eventually a students isnât able to write a paper time-wise. He requires some help and assistance in writing his or her research paper. Research papers are the ...Custom Research Papers for Money (
Using Expository Essay Prompts with Research Papers
You will learn structure, form, format, and most importantly, how to come up with good topics, and then draft an excellent paper around them. In particular, the use of expository prompts can help you when it comes to research papers. ...Using Expository Essay Prompts with Research Papers (
Research Paper for Sale: Is It a Way to Cheat?
So, in this article we would like to talk about research papers for sale. What they are and how you can benefit from them. Research papers for sale is a frequent phenomenon, and that is why you should not make a mistake while choosing a ...Research Paper for Sale: Is It a Way to Cheat? (
trismegistos links : Research+Papers
op 03:11 0 reacties
Labels: webmaistro
maandag 1 september 2008
Googles webcrawler/spider has two modes of operation. One is a "deepcrawler" that indexes the entire web once or twice a month. The second mode is a spider that downloads high ranking or frequently updated pages approximatly every 24 to 72 hours. That daily mode is called "freshbot" to reflect the "fresh" tag Google puts next to recently updated pages in search results.
op 04:59 0 reacties
Labels: Freshbot